Game of 40k with Saul!

I meant to take more pictures or even video, but I forgot!

I was helping Saul test out his list for the DMB Brawl over in Pullman WA (I’ve never been, but I’ve only ever heard good things, and I know DMB from other events, and they’re a great club).

He brought a triple flyrant list with Barbed Hierodule, a dropping dakkafex, 2 units of deep-striking rippers, a sizable unit of termagaunts backed with a minimum sized warrior unit, an exocrine, and a malanthrope.

I brought my new standard 1850 Ork List.

Grukk Face Rippa: 130

Mek: 15

30 Boyz: 220
Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole

30 Boyz: 220
Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole

30 Boyz: 220
Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole

10 Gretchin and 1 Runtherd: 35

3 MegaArmor Nobz: 125 + 35
Boss Pole
Trukk: Reinforced Ram

3 MegaArmor Nobz: 125 + 35
Boss Pole
Trukk: Reinforced Ram

20 Stormboyz: 220
Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole

2 Rokkit Buggies: 50

2 Rokkit Buggies: 50

4 Kustom Mega-Kannons: 120

2 Trakta Kannons: 63
1 Ammo Runt

8 Lootas: 112

Wall of Martyrs Bunker: 75
Ammo Dump



The mission was Cleanse and Control with Dawn of War deployment.

I ended up deploying first and set up a fire base with the bunker and artillery (critically, I didn’t realize that the barbed hierodule’s shot was AP3, so I left them in the open) then kinda put my units in position to move up onto the objectives with my faster units on the flanks.

Saul wisely refuse flanked and kept his flyrants out of range of my trakta kannons.

The game boiled down to my inability to kill his flyrants or get to grips with his barbed hierodule with any real force.  I also didn’t get any objective cards until late (except for one that was surrounded by his troops).  As well, Saul didn’t get his reserves in until late, which actually helped him because I could’ve killed those little units easily for quick points, but by the time they were up, his flyrants and hierodule had whittled me down significantly.

It was getting late, and at the top of 5 I had an 8-5 advantage, Saul was about to call it, but I encouraged him to draw his cards.  With a few daring gambits he was able to pull off some d3 (2 pts, per ITC) cards and flipped it to 10-8 his favor!


I meant to track the game per how I’m going to be running missions at my tournaments, but, with hazy recollection I think the rounds would’ve gone:







And, considering it would’ve gone to round 6 and Saul was in a commanding place on the table, I suspect he would’ve won that round too, unless I pulled the right cards.

Overall, a close game and lots of fun (as always with Saul).  Glad I could help!

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